Tennessee has a wide range of geographic features, from mountains to coastal plains, which make it a diverse state. However, not all parts of the state are great places to live. Tennessee has a number of areas that rank among the worst to live in the United States.
This article will explore ten of the worst places to live in Tennessee. Note, the places aren’t that bad but it’s just that they have some drawbacks!
Worst places to live in Tennessee
1. Athens
There are many reasons why Athens Tennessee is said to be a dangerous place to live. One reason is that there are a lot of drug-related crimes in the area.

Another reason is that there are a lot of violent crimes, including murders and assaults. Additionally, there are a lot of property crimes in Athens, such as burglaries and thefts.
2. Chattanooga
There are many reasons why Chattanooga is considered to be a dangerous place to live. One reason is that the city has a high crime rate. In 2016, the murder rate in Chattanooga was more than twice the national average. There were also more than 1,500 violent crimes reported in the city that year.

Another reason why Chattanooga is considered dangerous is because of its location. The city is located in a valley that makes it susceptible to flooding. It also borders on two states (Alabama and Georgia) that have their own share of crime problems.
Finally, Chattanooga has been struggling with an opioid epidemic in recent years. The city has one of the highest rates of opioid overdoses in the country. This has led to a rise in crime as people desperate for money turn to theft and other criminal activity to support their addiction.
3. Dyersburg

One would think that with a population of just over 17,000 people, Dyersburg, Tennessee would be a safe place to live. However, according to Neighborhood Scout, the Violent Crime Rate Per 1K people is 12.81 and the Property Crime Rate Per 1K people is 68.24. This makes Dyersburg one of the most dangerous places to live in Tennessee.
There are several reasons for this high crime rate. One reason is that Dyersburg is located in a rural area and there is not a lot of opportunity for young people in the area. This can lead to boredom and criminal activity. Additionally, there are not many jobs in the area so people may turn to crime as a way to make money.
The high crime rate can also be attributed to the fact that Dyersburg is a small town and everyone knows each other.
4. Memphis
In Memphis, Tennessee, the violent crime rate per 1,000 people is 24.20, while the property crime rate is 57.71. This means that there are on average 24.20 violent crimes committed per 1,000 people in Memphis each year, and 57.71 property crimes committed per 1,000 people. These rates are well above both the national averages and the averages for other cities of similar size.
There are a number of reasons why Memphis has a high crime rate. One reason is that the city has a large population of poor residents. This can lead to an increase in crime as people try to find ways to get money to survive.
Additionally, Memphis has a high level of unemployment, which can also lead to an increase in crime rates as people become desperate for money. Additionally, Memphis suffers from a high level of gang activity.
5. Millington
Millington, Tennessee is said to be a dangerous place to live because of the high Violent Crime Rate Per 1K at 10.31 and Property Crime Rate Per 1K at 35.39. The city has a population of 10,591 and sees a total of 97 crimes committed per month. Out of these crimes, 9 are Violent Crimes and 88 are Property Crimes. This makes the chance of being a victim in Millington 1 in 111.
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6. Nashville
There are many reasons why Nashville Tennessee is said to be a dangerous place to live. One reason is the high crime rate. According to, in 2017 there were 1,737 violent crimes and 11,719 property crimes per 100,000 people in Nashville. This means that there are about 5 violent crimes and 31 property crimes per day in Nashville.
Another reason why Nashville is considered dangerous is the high number of car accidents. In 2017, there were 9,898 crashes resulting in injury or death. This means that there are about 27 car accidents per day that result in injury or death.
Finally, another reason why Nashville is considered dangerous is the amount of wildfires that occur each year. In 2017, there were 1,062 wildfires that burned more than 15,000 acres.
7. Newport
Newport, Tennessee is known to have a high crime rate. The violent crime rate per 1,000 people is 9.46, and the property crime rate per 1,000 people is 71.93. There are many reasons why Newport is considered a dangerous place to live.
One reason is that there are many gangs in the area. Another reason is that there are a lot of drugs in the area. Lastly, the police department is not very well funded, which means they may not be able to respond to crimes quickly.
8. Pigeon Forge
Pigeon Forge is a city located in the state of Tennessee. The city has a population of just over 5,000 people and is said to be a dangerous place to live. The violent crime rate per 1,000 people is 7.57, and the property crime rate per 1,000 people is 44.14. There are many dangers that come with living in Pigeon Forge, including but not limited to: robbery, burglary, arson, and assault.
9. Savanna
Savanna Tennessee is said to be a dangerous place to live because of its high Violent Crime Rate Per 1K. In 2016, the rate was 9.01 compared to the US national average of 3.86. The property crime rate is also high, at 50.19 per 1K compared to the US national average of 25.47.
There were a total of 97 violent crimes and 1,362 property crimes in Savanna in 2016. While these numbers are disturbing, they are also indicative of a community that is actively working to address the issue and make their community safer.
10. Sweetwater
There are a few reasons why Sweetwater Tennessee is said to be a dangerous place to live. The violent crime rate per 1,000 people is 6.34, and the property crime rate per 1,000 people is 42.30.
In addition, in 2016, the city had a total of 17 homicides, which is high for a city of its size. There are also a lot of gangs in the area, which can lead to violence.
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In conclusion, the ten places listed are ranked the worst places to live in Tennessee. The reasons vary from high crime rates to low incomes to lack of jobs. If you are looking for a place to live in Tennessee, these are other places for you. Consider one of the many other great locations in the state.
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